Job Experiences
Founder and President of Real Time Services.
Account Director for Italy & Balkan Region CSI, GPO.
Managing director of Sardinia No Season promoting Come2Sardinia and Top Luxury Resort SuPavoni Porto Rotondo, Costa Smeralda.
The Mission: Increase the volume of tourist traffic. – Boost foreign currency receipts.- Strengthen Sardinia Profile as a tourist and business event location.- Reposition the Brand Sardinia as The world attractive travel number one Destination. – Prolong tourism from March till November.
Founder & Owner of Sardinia Electronic Yacht Services, Costa Smeralda.
Vice President and Cofounder at Telepremium SpA.
Telepremium is an interactive platform provider enabling integration of DTT Broadcasters contents.
During his 2 years as President and CEO of the company, Telepremium established great consensus and top reputation among major italian broadcasters and managed to win important bid in Sardinia regarding E-learning & Telecare. The opening of affiliated companies in Europe was one of his major tasks. The company, after two years of a continuos success, merged with one of the most important TV groups, operating all over Europe.
Management consultant at Logica BV Holland
He participated in the project management and development of the following portals: Abbey national,Kuwait, IBI, Postbank, Royal dutch. Great stress was poised on E-Commerce and M-Commerce,(b2b,b2c, b2e, b2m) more specifically in the financial& utilities services industry and e-government. Smsinterconnection/interoperability agreements development in Europe was key to the success of themobile portals. He participated to other important
mobile projects, communities and speeches in thearea of MVNO agreements developments and feasibility studies, Banks and Telco convergence research and presentations, financial services distribution between banks and insurances, smart cardpayment systems, T-Services payments, CRM and e-CRM, Co-Branding and Marketing.
Winterthur Italy
He was involved in the merging process of different insurance companies into the New Winterthur insurance company now Aurora. hewas the project leader of theCall center and the on-line claimsservices portal project, sharing responsibilities andtargets with McKinsey, Andersen consulting andCredit Swiss managers. The call center and the online portal were completed as planned.
Teaming with Ernst & Young, McKinsey and Winterthur ICT specialists, I was involved as a special project Consultant in the specific area of restructuring, integrating and training of five Claims Centers. All this took place while merging the five Italian insurance companies that belonged to the Winterthur group.
FixMyFirm Founder and Ceo
Major interventions as International Business Developer at different companies in Italy, Switzerland and Balkan Region. Scope of all operations was to develop sales and establish a strong position in foreign countries through the selection of partners, sales agents and founding subsidiaries.
Founder and Ceo of “Digital age Services”. Covering the position of Board Member at different Small & Medium Companies with ample powers, mainly in the area of sales and marketing, expanding abroad and diversifing offered services & products.
CEO and Managing Director at Audatex, SwissRe. Four Years.
Audatex detains a prime world position in designing, implementing, updating and maintening a full automobile spare parts online database, delivering in real time, through a network of As/400’s, all pertinent data to claims departments of Italian insurance companies, assessors, body shops and car producers.With the support of the Swiss management I gave way to the opening of the Italian subsidiary in Milano. I selected, hired and trained a team of 25 people. I designed and implemented the completeautomobile spare parts online database, delivering all pertinent data to claims departments of Italianinsurance companies, assessors, body shops, car producers. I managed all strategic relations withmost insurance company managers and shareholders.
CEO and Managing Director of Erico Italia SPA. Twelve Years.
12 years experience with same Multinational companyfilling all posts starting as a sales engineer and reaching after 6 years the positionof managing director of the Italian subsidiary. Responsibilities covering foundations of setups in Denmark & Italy,selection and training of sales teams. Territories encompassed sales in Denmark, Italy, Ex Yugoslavia, Turkey, Malta, Tunisia. In a few years ERICO Italia reached the highest ROI in Europe among all subsidiaries in Europe.
Director assistant and Simultaneous Interpreter at Ipseit Turin, Italy.
After one year I was appointed VP and responsible for training services to executives. I was the confidential tape translator of Mr. Giovanni Agnelli (Founder of FIAT automotive and financial group)
English teacher at Eurocenter Turin, Italy.
Math teacher at Santorre di Santarosa High School Turin.
Papers and Publications:
I published an enormous amount of articles and participated in many seminars and presentations as key speaker.
Some of the more interesting articles and seminars were: Clash of the titans: “The battle for an increased share of
customer revenue” There will be an increasing overlap of products and services offered bytraditional industry categories – in particular Banks and Telco’s.CRM in Retail financial services. ”The invisible customer” The business imperative will be retaining profitable customers, identifying the Business objectives. XCRM strategy “Integrating xchannels for customer relationship management” Customers are different and changing,your business is different
and changing, new value models are emerging, with battles over ownership, founded on customer relationships. A complex network of partner relationships must be enabled. It has yet to be decided who will win customes’ trust….
Maximizing customer recruitment and retention through CRM. “ What our clients really want from CRM.” The new
Catch-all corporate solution, but there is an increasing sense thatreality is very different.Helping Telcos to evolve a new approach to their customers. “Why traditional segmentation is a poor tool for targetedmarketing” CRM Confusion or confusing?“CRM has become a “must have technology” much confusion still resides in the market-
place.Integrating physical and virtual channels: Madrid presentation 2001.UMTS: understanding the billing challenge. CRM fails…”What to do?” Developing customer intimacy. “All businesses must face the prospect that each product or services, no matter how sophisticated, will sooner or later become Commoditised, bought asa generic item by customers who are interested in little beyond price and quality and so will be largely indifferent aboutwho supplies it.
I have special analysis capabilities that allow me to determine and solve complex problems; Prompt observer and strong ability in stimulating interest, collaboration, action; vast knowledge of following sectors: electronics, ICT, networking, Wi-Fi, Data transmission, Data Base Management,Security and Interactive TV; Significative ability to negotiate and promote business at international level especially in the SME sector.